The difference between Boat and Submarine

When used as nouns, boat means a craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind, whereas submarine means a boat that can go underwater.

When used as verbs, boat means to travel by boat, whereas submarine means to operate or serve on a submarine.

Submarine is also adjective with the meaning: undersea.

check bellow for the other definitions of Boat and Submarine

  1. Boat as a noun:

    A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind.

  2. Boat as a noun (poker slang):

    A full house.

  3. Boat as a noun:

    A vehicle, utensil, or dish somewhat resembling a boat in shape.


    "a stone boat;  a gravy boat'"

  4. Boat as a noun (chemistry):

    One of two possible conformations of cyclohexane rings (the other being chair), shaped roughly like a boat.

  5. Boat as a noun (AU, politics, informal):

    The refugee boats arriving in Australian waters, and by extension, refugees generally.

  1. Boat as a verb (intransitive):

    To travel by boat.

  2. Boat as a verb (transitive):

    To transport in a boat.


    "to boat goods"

  3. Boat as a verb (transitive):

    To place in a boat.


    "to boat oars"

  1. Submarine as an adjective:


  2. Submarine as an adjective:

    Hidden or undisclosed.


    "a submarine patent"

  3. Submarine as an adjective (baseball):

    Of a pitch, thrown with the hand lower than the elbow.

  1. Submarine as a noun:

    A boat that can go underwater.

  2. Submarine as a noun:

    A kind of sandwich made in a long loaf of bread.

  3. Submarine as a noun (baseball):

    Pitch delivered with an underhand motion.

  4. Submarine as a noun:

    Any submarine plant or animal.

  5. Submarine as a noun (informal):

    A stowaway on a seagoing vessel.

  1. Submarine as a verb (intransitive):

    To operate or serve on a submarine.

  2. Submarine as a verb (transitive):

    To torpedo; to destroy with a sudden sneak attack.

  3. Submarine as a verb (intransitive, sometimes, figurative):

    To sink or submerge oneself.