The difference between Submarine and Torpedo

When used as nouns, submarine means a boat that can go underwater, whereas torpedo means a cylindrical explosive projectile that can travel underwater and is used as a weapon.

When used as verbs, submarine means to operate or serve on a submarine, whereas torpedo means to send a torpedo, usually from a submarine, that explodes below the waterline of the target ship.

Submarine is also adjective with the meaning: undersea.

check bellow for the other definitions of Submarine and Torpedo

  1. Submarine as an adjective:


  2. Submarine as an adjective:

    Hidden or undisclosed.


    "a submarine patent"

  3. Submarine as an adjective (baseball):

    Of a pitch, thrown with the hand lower than the elbow.

  1. Submarine as a noun:

    A boat that can go underwater.

  2. Submarine as a noun:

    A kind of sandwich made in a long loaf of bread.

  3. Submarine as a noun (baseball):

    Pitch delivered with an underhand motion.

  4. Submarine as a noun:

    Any submarine plant or animal.

  5. Submarine as a noun (informal):

    A stowaway on a seagoing vessel.

  1. Submarine as a verb (intransitive):

    To operate or serve on a submarine.

  2. Submarine as a verb (transitive):

    To torpedo; to destroy with a sudden sneak attack.

  3. Submarine as a verb (intransitive, sometimes, figurative):

    To sink or submerge oneself.

  1. Torpedo as a noun (military):

    A cylindrical explosive projectile that can travel underwater and is used as a weapon.

  2. Torpedo as a noun:

    A fish having wings that generate electric current, a kind of electric ray.

  3. Torpedo as a noun (regional):

    A submarine sandwich.

  4. Torpedo as a noun (archaic, military):

    A naval mine.

  5. Torpedo as a noun (obsolete, military):

    An explosive device buried underground and set off remotely, to destroy fortifications, troops, or cavalry; a land torpedo.

  6. Torpedo as a noun (slang):

    A professional gunman or assassin.

  7. Torpedo as a noun (rail transport, US):

    A small explosive device attached to the top of the rail to provide an audible warning when a train passes over it.

  8. Torpedo as a noun:

    A kind of firework in the form of a small ball, or pellet, which explodes when thrown upon a hard object.

  9. Torpedo as a noun:

    An automobile with a torpedo body.

  10. Torpedo as a noun (slang, chiefly, US, usually, plural):

    a woman's shoe with a pointed toe

  11. Torpedo as a noun (slang, chiefly, US, usually, plural):

    a large breast; breast with a large nipple

  12. Torpedo as a noun (slang):

    a marijuana cigarette a thick marijuana cigarette a cigarette containing marijuana and crack cocaine

  1. Torpedo as a verb:

    To send a torpedo, usually from a submarine, that explodes below the waterline of the target ship.

  2. Torpedo as a verb:

    To sink a ship with one of more torpedoes.

  3. Torpedo as a verb:

    To undermine or destroy any endeavor with a stealthy, powerful attack.