The difference between Consent and Dissent

When used as nouns, consent means voluntary agreement or permission, whereas dissent means disagreement with the ideas, doctrines, decrees, etc. of a political party, government or religion.

When used as verbs, consent means to express willingness, to give permission, whereas dissent means to disagree.

check bellow for the other definitions of Consent and Dissent

  1. Consent as a verb:

    To express willingness, to give permission.


    "After reflecting a little bit, I've consented."

  2. Consent as a verb (medicine):

    To cause to sign a consent form.

  3. Consent as a verb (obsolete):

    To grant; to allow; to assent to.

  4. Consent as a verb:

    To agree in opinion or sentiment; to be of the same mind; to accord; to concur.

  1. Consent as a noun:

    Voluntary agreement or permission.

  2. Consent as a noun (obsolete):

    Unity or agreement of opinion, sentiment, or inclination.

  3. Consent as a noun (obsolete):

    Advice; counsel.

  1. Dissent as a verb (intransitive):

    To disagree; to withhold assent. Construed with from (or, formerly, to).

  2. Dissent as a verb (intransitive):

    To differ from, especially in opinion, beliefs, etc.

  3. Dissent as a verb (obsolete):

    To be different; to have contrary characteristics.


    "rfquotek Hooker"

  1. Dissent as a noun:

    Disagreement with the ideas, doctrines, decrees, etc. of a political party, government or religion.

  2. Dissent as a noun:

    An act of disagreeing with, or deviating from, the views and opinions of those holding authority.

  3. Dissent as a noun (Anglo-American common law):

    A separate opinion filed in a case by judges who disagree with the outcome of the majority of the court in that case

  4. Dissent as a noun (sports):

    A violation that arises when disagreement with an official call is expressed in an inappropriate manner such as foul language, rude gestures, of failure to comply.