The difference between Animate and Stationary

When used as adjectives, animate means that which lives, whereas stationary means not moving.

Animate is also verb with the meaning: to impart motion or the appearance of motion to.

Stationary is also noun with the meaning: one who, or that which, is stationary, such as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.

check bellow for the other definitions of Animate and Stationary

  1. Animate as an adjective:

    That which lives.

  2. Animate as an adjective:

    Possessing the quality or ability of motion.

  3. Animate as an adjective:

    Dynamic, energetic.


    "She is an engaging and animate speaker."

  4. Animate as an adjective (grammar, of a noun or pronoun):

    Having a referent that includes a human, animal, plant or other entity which is considered alive.


    "Nouns can be singular or plural, and one of two genders, animate or inanimate."

  5. Animate as an adjective (grammar):

    Inflected to agree with an animate noun or pronoun.

  1. Animate as a verb (transitive):

    To impart motion or the appearance of motion to.


    "If we animate the model, we can see the complexity of the action."

  2. Animate as a verb (transitive):

    To give spirit or vigour to; to stimulate or enliven; to inspirit.

  1. Stationary as an adjective:

    Not moving.


    "The train remained stationary for a few moments, before lurching forward along the track."

  2. Stationary as an adjective:

    incapable of being moved

  3. Stationary as an adjective:


  1. Stationary as a noun:

    One who, or that which, is stationary, such as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.


    "rfquotek Holland"

  2. Stationary as a noun: