The difference between Mutable and Stationary

When used as nouns, mutable means something mutable, whereas stationary means one who, or that which, is stationary, such as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.

When used as adjectives, mutable means changeable, dynamic, evolutive, whereas stationary means not moving.

check bellow for the other definitions of Mutable and Stationary

  1. Mutable as an adjective:

    Changeable, dynamic, evolutive; inclined to change, evolve, mutate.

  2. Mutable as an adjective (programming, of a variable):

    Having a value that is changeable during program execution.

  1. Mutable as a noun:

    Something mutable; a variable or value that can change.

  1. Stationary as an adjective:

    Not moving.


    "The train remained stationary for a few moments, before lurching forward along the track."

  2. Stationary as an adjective:

    incapable of being moved

  3. Stationary as an adjective:


  1. Stationary as a noun:

    One who, or that which, is stationary, such as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.


    "rfquotek Holland"

  2. Stationary as a noun: