The difference between Fixed and Stationary

When used as adjectives, fixed means not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same, whereas stationary means not moving.

Stationary is also noun with the meaning: one who, or that which, is stationary, such as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.

check bellow for the other definitions of Fixed and Stationary

  1. Fixed as a verb:

  1. Fixed as an adjective:

    Not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same.


    "fixed assets"

    "I work fixed hours for a fixed salary."

    "Every religion has its own fixed ideas."

    "He looked at me with a fixed glare."

  2. Fixed as an adjective:


  3. Fixed as an adjective:

    Attached; affixed.

  4. Fixed as an adjective:

    Chemically stable.

  5. Fixed as an adjective:

    Supplied with what one needs.


    "She's nicely fixed after two divorce settlements."

  6. Fixed as an adjective (legal):

    Of sound, recorded on a permanent medium.


    "In the United States, recordings are only granted copyright protection when the sounds in the recording were fixed and first published on or after February 15, 1972."

  7. Fixed as an adjective (dialectal, informal):

    Surgically rendered infertile (spayed, neutered or castrated).


    "a fixed tomcat''; the ''she-cat'' has been fixed'"

  8. Fixed as an adjective:

    Rigged; fraudulently prearranged.

  9. Fixed as an adjective (of a [[problem]]):

    Resolved; corrected.

  10. Fixed as an adjective:


  1. Stationary as an adjective:

    Not moving.


    "The train remained stationary for a few moments, before lurching forward along the track."

  2. Stationary as an adjective:

    incapable of being moved

  3. Stationary as an adjective:


  1. Stationary as a noun:

    One who, or that which, is stationary, such as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.


    "rfquotek Holland"

  2. Stationary as a noun: