The difference between Abase and Sink

When used as verbs, abase means to lower, as in condition in life, office, rank, etc., so as to cause pain or hurt feelings, whereas sink means to descend or submerge (or to cause to do so) into a liquid or similar substance.

Sink is also noun with the meaning: a basin used for holding water for washing.

check bellow for the other definitions of Abase and Sink

  1. Abase as a verb (transitive):

    To lower, as in condition in life, office, rank, etc., so as to cause pain or hurt feelings; to degrade, to depress, to humble, to humiliate.

  2. Abase as a verb (transitive, archaic):

    To lower physically; to depress; to cast or throw down; to stoop.


    "to abase the eye"

  3. Abase as a verb (transitive, obsolete):

    To lower in value, in particular by altering the content of alloys in coins; to debase.

  1. Sink as a verb (physical):

    To move or be moved into something. To descend or submerge (or to cause to do so) into a liquid or similar substance. To cause a vessel to sink, generally by making it no longer watertight. To push (something) into something. To pot; hit a ball into a pocket or hole.


    "A stone sinks in water.  nowrap The sun gradually sank in the west."

    "The joint will hold tighter if you sink a wood screw through both boards.  nowrap The dog sank its teeth into the delivery man's leg."

  2. Sink as a verb (social):

    To diminish or be diminished. To experience apprehension, disappointment, dread, or momentary depression. To cause to decline; to depress or degrade. To demean or lower oneself; to do something below one's status, standards, or morals.


    "to sink one's reputation"

  3. Sink as a verb (transitive, slang, archaic):

    To conceal and appropriate.

  4. Sink as a verb (transitive, slang, archaic):

    To keep out of sight; to suppress; to ignore.

  5. Sink as a verb (transitive, slang, archaic):

    To reduce or extinguish by payment.


    "to sink the national debt"

  6. Sink as a verb (intransitive):

    To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fail in strength.

  7. Sink as a verb (intransitive):

    To decrease in volume, as a river; to subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height.

  1. Sink as a noun:

    A basin used for holding water for washing

  2. Sink as a noun:

    A drain for carrying off wastewater

  3. Sink as a noun (geology):

    A sinkhole

  4. Sink as a noun:

    A depression in land where water collects, with no visible outlet

  5. Sink as a noun:

    A heat sink

  6. Sink as a noun:

    A place that absorbs resources or energy

  7. Sink as a noun (baseball):

    The motion of a sinker pitch


    "Jones' has a two-seamer with heavy sink."

  8. Sink as a noun (computing, programming):

    An object or callback that captures events; event sink

  9. Sink as a noun (graph theory):

    a destination vertex in a transportation network