The difference between Abase and Depress

When used as verbs, abase means to lower, as in condition in life, office, rank, etc., so as to cause pain or hurt feelings, whereas depress means to press down.

check bellow for the other definitions of Abase and Depress

  1. Abase as a verb (transitive):

    To lower, as in condition in life, office, rank, etc., so as to cause pain or hurt feelings; to degrade, to depress, to humble, to humiliate.

  2. Abase as a verb (transitive, archaic):

    To lower physically; to depress; to cast or throw down; to stoop.


    "to abase the eye"

  3. Abase as a verb (transitive, obsolete):

    To lower in value, in particular by altering the content of alloys in coins; to debase.

  1. Depress as a verb:

    To press down.


    "Depress the upper lever to start the machine."

  2. Depress as a verb:

    To make depressed, sad or bored.


    "Winter depresses me."

  3. Depress as a verb:

    To cause a depression or a decrease in parts of the economy.


    "Lower productivity will eventually depress wages."

  4. Depress as a verb:

    To bring down or humble; to abase (pride, etc.).

  5. Depress as a verb (math):

    To reduce (an equation) in a lower degree.