The difference between Nothing and Sod all

When used as nouns, nothing means something trifling, or of no consequence or importance, whereas sod all means nothing.

Nothing is also pronoun with the meaning: not any thing.

Nothing is also adverb with the meaning: not at all.

check bellow for the other definitions of Nothing and Sod all

  1. Nothing as a pronoun:

    Not any thing; no thing.

  2. Nothing as a pronoun:

    An absence of anything, including empty space, brightness, darkness, matter, or a vacuum.

  1. Nothing as a noun:

    Something trifling, or of no consequence or importance.


    "- What happened to your face?<br>- It's nothing."

  2. Nothing as a noun:

    A trivial remark (especially in the term ).

  3. Nothing as a noun:

    A nobody (insignificant person).


    "You're nothing to me now!"

  1. Nothing as an adverb (archaic):

    Not at all; in no way.

  1. Sod all as a noun (mildly, vulgar, slang, idiomatic):



    "My holiday was rubbish: there was sod all to do."