The difference between Nix and Nothing

When used as nouns, nix means nothing, whereas nothing means something trifling, or of no consequence or importance.

Nix is also interjection with the meaning: a warning cry when a policeman etc. was sighted in the street.

Nix is also verb with the meaning: to make something become nothing.

Nothing is also pronoun with the meaning: not any thing.

Nothing is also adverb with the meaning: not at all.

check bellow for the other definitions of Nix and Nothing

  1. Nix as a noun (colloquial):



    "synonyms: nada zip"

  1. Nix as a verb:

    To make something become nothing; to reject or cancel.


    "synonyms: cancereject"

    "'Nix the last order – the customer walked out."

  2. Nix as a verb:

    To destroy or eradicate.

  1. Nix as a noun:

    A treacherous water-spirit; a nixie.

  1. Nothing as a pronoun:

    Not any thing; no thing.

  2. Nothing as a pronoun:

    An absence of anything, including empty space, brightness, darkness, matter, or a vacuum.

  1. Nothing as a noun:

    Something trifling, or of no consequence or importance.


    "- What happened to your face?<br>- It's nothing."

  2. Nothing as a noun:

    A trivial remark (especially in the term ).

  3. Nothing as a noun:

    A nobody (insignificant person).


    "You're nothing to me now!"

  1. Nothing as an adverb (archaic):

    Not at all; in no way.