The difference between Extreme and Farthest

When used as adverbs, extreme means extremely, whereas farthest means to the greatest degree or extent, or to the most distant point in time or space.

When used as adjectives, extreme means of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost, whereas farthest means most distant in time, space or degree.

Extreme is also noun with the meaning: the greatest or utmost point, degree or condition.

check bellow for the other definitions of Extreme and Farthest

  1. Extreme as an adjective:

    Of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost.


    "At the extreme edges, the coating is very thin."

  2. Extreme as an adjective:

    In the greatest or highest degree; intense.


    "He has an extreme aversion to needles, and avoids visiting the doctor."

  3. Extreme as an adjective:

    Excessive, or far beyond the norm.


    "His extreme love of model trains showed in the rails that criscrossed his entire home."

  4. Extreme as an adjective:

    Drastic, or of great severity.


    "I think the new laws are extreme, but many believe them necessary for national security."

  5. Extreme as an adjective:

    Of sports, difficult or dangerous; performed in a hazardous environment.


    "Television has begun to reflect the growing popularity of extreme sports such as bungee jumping and skateboarding."

  6. Extreme as an adjective (archaic):

    Ultimate, final or last.


    "the extreme hour of life"

  1. Extreme as a noun:

    The greatest or utmost point, degree or condition.

  2. Extreme as a noun:

    Each of the things at opposite ends of a range or scale.


    "'extremes of temperature"

  3. Extreme as a noun:

    A drastic expedient.

  4. Extreme as a noun (mathematics):

    Either of the two numbers at the ends of a proportion, as 1 and 6 in 1:2=3:6.

  1. Extreme as an adverb (archaic):


  1. Farthest as an adjective:

    Most distant in time, space or degree.

  1. Farthest as an adverb:

    To the greatest degree or extent, or to the most distant point in time or space.