The difference between Eat and Swallow

When used as nouns, eat means something to be eaten, whereas swallow means a deep chasm or abyss in the earth.

When used as verbs, eat means to consume (something solid or semi-solid, usually food) by putting it into the mouth and swallowing it, whereas swallow means to cause (food, drink etc.) to pass from the mouth into the stomach.

check bellow for the other definitions of Eat and Swallow

  1. Eat as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To ingest; to be ingested. To consume (something solid or semi-solid, usually food) by putting it into the mouth and swallowing it. To consume a meal. To be eaten.


    "He’s eating an apple. / Don’t disturb me now; can't you see that I’m eating?"

    "What time do we eat this evening?"

    "It's a soup that eats like a meal."

  2. Eat as a verb (transitive):

    To use up. To destroy, consume, or use up. To damage, destroy, or fail to eject a removable part or an inserted object. To consume money or (other instruents of value, such as a token) deposited or inserted by a user, while failing to either provide the intended product or service, or return the payment.


    "This project is eating up all the money."

    "The VHS recorder just ate the tape and won't spit it out."

    "John is late for the meeting because the photocopier ate his report."

    "The video game in the corner just ate my quarter."

  3. Eat as a verb (transitive, informal):

    To cause (someone) to worry.


    "What’s eating you?"

  4. Eat as a verb (transitive, business):

    To take the loss in a transaction.

  5. Eat as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To corrode or erode.


    "The acid rain ate away the statue.  The strong acid eats through the metal."

  6. Eat as a verb (transitive, informal):

    To perform oral sex. To perform oral sex on someone. To perform oral sex on a body part.


    "'Eat me!"

    "I ate his ass."

    "Yeah, eat that dick."

  1. Eat as a noun (colloquial):

    Something to be eaten; a meal; a food item.

  1. Swallow as a verb (transitive):

    To cause (food, drink etc.) to pass from the mouth into the stomach; to take into the stomach through the throat.

  2. Swallow as a verb (transitive):

    To take (something) in so that it disappears; to consume, absorb.

  3. Swallow as a verb (intransitive):

    To take food down into the stomach; to make the muscular contractions of the oesophagus to achieve this, often taken as a sign of nervousness or strong emotion.


    "My throat was so sore that I was unable to swallow."

  4. Swallow as a verb (transitive):

    To accept easily or without questions; to believe, accept.

  5. Swallow as a verb:

    To engross; to appropriate; usually with up.

  6. Swallow as a verb:

    To retract; to recant.


    "to swallow one's opinions"

  7. Swallow as a verb:

    To put up with; to bear patiently or without retaliation.


    "to swallow an affront or insult"

  1. Swallow as a noun (archaic):

    A deep chasm or abyss in the earth.

  2. Swallow as a noun:

    The amount swallowed in one gulp; the act of swallowing.


    "He took the aspirin with a single swallow of water."

  3. Swallow as a noun (Nigeria):

    Any of various carbohydrate-based dishes that are swallowed without much chewing.

  1. Swallow as a noun:

    A small, migratory bird of the Hirundinidae family with long, pointed, moon-shaped wings and a forked tail which feeds on the wing by catching insects.

  2. Swallow as a noun (nautical):

    The aperture in a block through which the rope reeves.


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