The difference between Ameliorate and Nerf

When used as verbs, ameliorate means to make better, or improve, something perceived to be in a negative condition, whereas nerf means to bump lightly, whether accidentally or purposefully.

Nerf is also noun with the meaning: the weakening or worsening of a character, a weapon, a spell, etc.

check bellow for the other definitions of Ameliorate and Nerf

  1. Ameliorate as a verb (transitive):

    To make better, or improve, something perceived to be in a negative condition.


    "They offered some compromises in an effort to ameliorate the situation."

  2. Ameliorate as a verb (intransitive):

    To become better; improve.

  1. Nerf as a verb (motor racing):

    To bump lightly, whether accidentally or purposefully.


    "A racer will often nerf another as a psychological tactic."

  1. Nerf as a verb (slang, video games, especially of developers rather than players):

    To cripple or weaken (a character, a weapon, a spell, etc.).


    "The lightning spell was originally pretty powerful, but in the sequel they nerfed it so it became completely useless."

  1. Nerf as a noun (slang, video games):

    The weakening or worsening of a character, a weapon, a spell, etc.