The difference between Sempiternal and Timeless

When used as adjectives, sempiternal means everlasting, eternal, whereas timeless means eternal.

check bellow for the other definitions of Sempiternal and Timeless

  1. Sempiternal as an adjective:

    Everlasting, eternal.

  2. Sempiternal as an adjective (philosophy):

    Everlasting, that is, having infinite temporal duration (as opposed to eternal: outside time and thus lacking temporal duration altogether).

  1. Timeless as an adjective:


  2. Timeless as an adjective:

    Not affected by time; ageless.

  3. Timeless as an adjective (obsolete):

    Done at an improper time; unseasonable; untimely.

  4. Timeless as an adjective:

    Not decreasing over time in quality and appeal.


    "The cave carvings have a timeless beauty."