The difference between Infinite and Timeless

When used as adjectives, infinite means indefinably large, countlessly great, whereas timeless means eternal.

Infinite is also numeral with the meaning: infinitely many.

check bellow for the other definitions of Infinite and Timeless

  1. Infinite as an adjective:

    Indefinably large, countlessly great; immense.

  2. Infinite as an adjective:

    Boundless, endless, without end or limits; innumerable.

  3. Infinite as an adjective:

    With plural noun: infinitely many.

  4. Infinite as an adjective (mathematics):

    Greater than any positive quantity or magnitude; limitless.

  5. Infinite as an adjective (set theory, of a set):

    Having infinitely many elements.

  6. Infinite as an adjective (grammar):

    Not limited by person or number.

  7. Infinite as an adjective (music):

    Capable of endless repetition; said of certain forms of the canon, also called perpetual fugues, constructed so that their ends lead to their beginnings.


    "rfquotek Moore (Encyc. of Music)"

  1. Timeless as an adjective:


  2. Timeless as an adjective:

    Not affected by time; ageless.

  3. Timeless as an adjective (obsolete):

    Done at an improper time; unseasonable; untimely.

  4. Timeless as an adjective:

    Not decreasing over time in quality and appeal.


    "The cave carvings have a timeless beauty."