The difference between Passionate and Unpassionate

When used as adjectives, passionate means given to strong feeling, sometimes romantic, sexual, or both, whereas unpassionate means not passionate.

Passionate is also noun with the meaning: a passionate individual.

Passionate is also verb with the meaning: to fill with passion, or with another given emotion.

check bellow for the other definitions of Passionate and Unpassionate

  1. Passionate as an adjective:

    Given to strong feeling, sometimes romantic, sexual, or both.

  2. Passionate as an adjective:

    Fired with intense feeling.

  3. Passionate as an adjective (obsolete):

    Suffering; sorrowful.

  1. Passionate as a noun:

    A passionate individual.

  1. Passionate as a verb (obsolete):

    To fill with passion, or with another given emotion.

  2. Passionate as a verb (obsolete):

    To express with great emotion.

  1. Unpassionate as an adjective:

    not passionate