The difference between Nag and Worry

When used as nouns, nag means a small horse, whereas worry means a strong feeling of anxiety.

When used as verbs, nag means to continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters, whereas worry means to be troubled, to give way to mental anxiety.

check bellow for the other definitions of Nag and Worry

  1. Nag as a noun:

    A small horse; a pony.

  2. Nag as a noun:

    An old useless horse.

  3. Nag as a noun (obsolete, derogatory):

    A paramour.

  1. Nag as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters.

  2. Nag as a verb:

    To bother with persistent thoughts or memories.


    "The notion that he forgot something nagged him the rest of the day."

  3. Nag as a verb:

    To bother or disturb persistently in any way.


    "a nagging pain in his left knee"

    "a nagging north wind"

  1. Nag as a noun:

    Someone or something that nags.

  2. Nag as a noun:

    A repeated complaint or reminder.

  3. Nag as a noun:

    A persistent, bothersome thought or worry

  1. Worry as a verb (intransitive):

    To be troubled, to give way to mental anxiety.


    "Stop worrying about your test, it’ll be fine."

  2. Worry as a verb (transitive):

    Disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress.


    "Your tone of voice worries me."

  3. Worry as a verb (transitive):

    To harass; to irritate or distress.


    "The President was worried into military action by persistent advisors."

  4. Worry as a verb (transitive):

    To seize or shake by the throat, especially of a dog or wolf.


    "Your dog’s been worrying sheep again."

  5. Worry as a verb (transitive):

    To touch repeatedly, to fiddle with.

  6. Worry as a verb (transitive, obsolete, Scotland):

    To strangle.

  1. Worry as a noun:

    A strong feeling of anxiety.


    "I'm afflicted by worry throughout the night."

  2. Worry as a noun:

    An instance or cause of such a feeling.


    "My main worry is that I'll miss the train."

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