The difference between Nag and Plug

When used as nouns, nag means a small horse, whereas plug means a pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket.

When used as verbs, nag means to continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters, whereas plug means to stop with a plug.

check bellow for the other definitions of Nag and Plug

  1. Nag as a noun:

    A small horse; a pony.

  2. Nag as a noun:

    An old useless horse.

  3. Nag as a noun (obsolete, derogatory):

    A paramour.

  1. Nag as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters.

  2. Nag as a verb:

    To bother with persistent thoughts or memories.


    "The notion that he forgot something nagged him the rest of the day."

  3. Nag as a verb:

    To bother or disturb persistently in any way.


    "a nagging pain in his left knee"

    "a nagging north wind"

  1. Nag as a noun:

    Someone or something that nags.

  2. Nag as a noun:

    A repeated complaint or reminder.

  3. Nag as a noun:

    A persistent, bothersome thought or worry

  1. Plug as a noun (electricity):

    a pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket


    "I pushed the plug back into the electrical socket and the lamp began to glow again."

  2. Plug as a noun:

    any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole


    "Pull the plug out of the tub so it can drain."

    "synonyms: bung dowestopper stopple"

  3. Plug as a noun (US):

    a flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco


    "He preferred a plug of tobacco to loose chaw."

  4. Plug as a noun (US, slang):

    a high, tapering silk hat

  5. Plug as a noun (US, slang):

    a worthless horse


    "That sorry old plug is ready for the glue factory!"

    "synonyms: bum q1=racing dobbin hack jade nag"

  6. Plug as a noun (dated):

    Any worn-out or useless article.

  7. Plug as a noun (construction):

    a block of wood let into a wall to afford a hold for nails

  8. Plug as a noun (slang):

    a mention of a product (usually a book, film or play) in an interview, or an interview which features one or more of these


    "During the interview, the author put in a plug for his latest novel."

  9. Plug as a noun (geology):

    a body of once molten rock that hardened in a volcanic vent. Usually round or oval in shape.


    "Pressure built beneath the plug in the caldera, eventually resulting in a catastrophic explosion of pyroclastic shrapnel and ash."

  10. Plug as a noun (fishing):

    a type of lure consisting of a rigid, buoyant or semi-buoyant body and one or more hooks.


    "The fisherman cast the plug into a likely pool, hoping to catch a whopper."

  11. Plug as a noun (horticulture):

    a small seedling grown in a tray from expanded polystyrene or polythene filled usually with a peat or compost substrate

  12. Plug as a noun:

    a short cylindrical piece of jewellery commonly worn in larger-gauge body piercings, especially in the ear

  13. Plug as a noun (slang):

    a drug dealer

  14. Plug as a noun:

    A branch from a water-pipe to supply a hose.

  1. Plug as a verb (transitive):

    to stop with a plug; to make tight by stopping a hole


    "He attempted to plug the leaks with some caulk."

  2. Plug as a verb (transitive):

    to blatantly mention a particular product or service as if advertising it


    "The main guest on the show just kept plugging his latest movie: it got so tiresome."

  3. Plug as a verb (intransitive, informal):

    to persist or continue with something


    "Keep plugging at the problem until you find a solution."

  4. Plug as a verb (transitive):

    to shoot a bullet into something with a gun

  5. Plug as a verb (slang, transitive):

    to have sex with, penetrate sexually


    "I'd love to plug him."

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