The difference between Dobbin and Nag

When used as nouns, dobbin means an old jaded horse, whereas nag means a small horse.

Nag is also verb with the meaning: to continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters.

check bellow for the other definitions of Dobbin and Nag

  1. Dobbin as a noun:

    An old jaded horse.

  2. Dobbin as a noun (UK, dialect, uncountable):

    Sea gravel mixed with sand.

  3. Dobbin as a noun (dated, slang, among students):

  1. Nag as a noun:

    A small horse; a pony.

  2. Nag as a noun:

    An old useless horse.

  3. Nag as a noun (obsolete, derogatory):

    A paramour.

  1. Nag as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters.

  2. Nag as a verb:

    To bother with persistent thoughts or memories.


    "The notion that he forgot something nagged him the rest of the day."

  3. Nag as a verb:

    To bother or disturb persistently in any way.


    "a nagging pain in his left knee"

    "a nagging north wind"

  1. Nag as a noun:

    Someone or something that nags.

  2. Nag as a noun:

    A repeated complaint or reminder.

  3. Nag as a noun:

    A persistent, bothersome thought or worry

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