The difference between Increase and Lowering

When used as nouns, increase means an amount by which a quantity is increased, whereas lowering means ..

Increase is also verb with the meaning: (of a quantity, etc.) to become larger or greater.

Lowering is also adjective with the meaning: dark and menacing.

check bellow for the other definitions of Increase and Lowering

  1. Increase as a verb (intransitive):

    (of a quantity, etc.) To become larger or greater.


    "His rage only increased when I told him of the lost money."

  2. Increase as a verb (transitive):

    To make (a quantity, etc.) larger.

  3. Increase as a verb:

    To multiply by the production of young; to be fertile, fruitful, or prolific.

  4. Increase as a verb (astronomy, intransitive):

    To become more nearly full; to show more of the surface; to wax.


    "The Moon increases."

  1. Increase as a noun:

    An amount by which a quantity is increased.

  2. Increase as a noun:

    For a quantity, the act or process of becoming larger

  3. Increase as a noun (knitting):

    The creation of one or more new stitches; see .

  1. Lowering as an adjective (of sky or environment):

    Dark and menacing.


    "synonyms: gloomy threatening"

  2. Lowering as an adjective:

    That lowers or frowns.


    "synonyms: frowning scowling gloomy sullglowering"

  3. Lowering as an adjective:

    Lurking, skulking, menacing.

  4. Lowering as an adjective (obsolete):


  1. Lowering as a noun:


  1. Lowering as a verb:

  1. Lowering as a noun:

    The act of something being lowered.