The difference between Blooming and Blossoming

When used as nouns, blooming means the act by which something blooms, whereas blossoming means the act or process by which something blossoms.

Blooming is also adverb with the meaning: bloody.

Blooming is also adjective with the meaning: opening in blossoms.

check bellow for the other definitions of Blooming and Blossoming

  1. Blooming as a verb:

  1. Blooming as an adjective:

    Opening in blossoms; flowering.

  2. Blooming as an adjective:

    Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.

  3. Blooming as an adjective (British, dated):

    bloody; bleeding; extremely.

  1. Blooming as an adverb (British, euphemistic, often followed by ''well''):

    Bloody; bleeding; extremely.


    "My train's late again. Blooming typical."

  1. Blooming as a noun:

    The act by which something blooms.

  2. Blooming as a noun (metallurgy):

    The process of making blooms from the ore or from cast iron.

  3. Blooming as a noun (photography):

    A phenomenon where excessive light causes bright patches in a picture.

  1. Blossoming as a verb:

  1. Blossoming as a noun:

    The act or process by which something blossoms.