The difference between Bally and Blooming

When used as nouns, bally means a balaclava, whereas blooming means the act by which something blooms.

When used as adverbs, bally means very, whereas blooming means bloody.

When used as adjectives, bally means bloody , whereas blooming means opening in blossoms.

check bellow for the other definitions of Bally and Blooming

  1. Bally as an adjective (British, dated, euphemistic):

    Bloody .


    "He's just a bally idiot."

  1. Bally as an adverb (UK, dated, euphemistic):



    "That was a bally foolish thing to do, old chap!"

  1. Bally as a noun (MLE):

    A balaclava.

  1. Blooming as a verb:

  1. Blooming as an adjective:

    Opening in blossoms; flowering.

  2. Blooming as an adjective:

    Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.

  3. Blooming as an adjective (British, dated):

    bloody; bleeding; extremely.

  1. Blooming as an adverb (British, euphemistic, often followed by ''well''):

    Bloody; bleeding; extremely.


    "My train's late again. Blooming typical."

  1. Blooming as a noun:

    The act by which something blooms.

  2. Blooming as a noun (metallurgy):

    The process of making blooms from the ore or from cast iron.

  3. Blooming as a noun (photography):

    A phenomenon where excessive light causes bright patches in a picture.