The difference between Blasted and Blooming

When used as adverbs, blasted means damned, whereas blooming means bloody.

When used as adjectives, blasted means which has been subjected to an explosion, whereas blooming means opening in blossoms.

Blooming is also noun with the meaning: the act by which something blooms.

check bellow for the other definitions of Blasted and Blooming

  1. Blasted as a verb:

  1. Blasted as an adjective:

    Which has been subjected to an explosion.


    "The remains of the blasted tank were testament to the power of the landmine it had hit."

  2. Blasted as an adjective:

    Which has been subjected to violent gusts of wind.

  3. Blasted as an adjective (colloquial):

    Accursed; damned.


    "I’ve tried for 2 hours to make this blasted part fit, and it still won’t go in."

  4. Blasted as an adjective (heraldry):

    Whose branches bear no leaves; leafless.

  5. Blasted as an adjective:

    Intoxicated, drunk.


    "Dude, we got blasted last night."

  1. Blasted as an adverb (euphemistic):

    Damned; extremely.


    "That dog is so blasted stubborn."

  1. Blooming as a verb:

  1. Blooming as an adjective:

    Opening in blossoms; flowering.

  2. Blooming as an adjective:

    Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.

  3. Blooming as an adjective (British, dated):

    bloody; bleeding; extremely.

  1. Blooming as an adverb (British, euphemistic, often followed by ''well''):

    Bloody; bleeding; extremely.


    "My train's late again. Blooming typical."

  1. Blooming as a noun:

    The act by which something blooms.

  2. Blooming as a noun (metallurgy):

    The process of making blooms from the ore or from cast iron.

  3. Blooming as a noun (photography):

    A phenomenon where excessive light causes bright patches in a picture.