The difference between Alike and Similar

When used as adjectives, alike means having resemblance or similitude, whereas similar means having traits or characteristics in common.

Alike is also adverb with the meaning: in the same manner, form, or degree.

Similar is also noun with the meaning: that which is similar to, or resembles, something else, as in quality, form, etc.

check bellow for the other definitions of Alike and Similar

  1. Alike as an adjective:

    Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference.


    "The twins were alike."

  1. Alike as an adverb:

    In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally.


    "We are all alike concerned in religion."

  1. Similar as an adjective:

    Having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable.

  2. Similar as an adjective (mathematics):

    Of geometrical figures including triangles, squares, ellipses, arcs and more complex figures, having the same shape but possibly different size, rotational orientation, and position; in particular, having corresponding angles equal and corresponding line segments proportional; such that one can be had from the other using a sequence of rotations, translations and scalings.

  1. Similar as a noun:

    That which is similar to, or resembles, something else, as in quality, form, etc.

  2. Similar as a noun (homeopathy):

    A material that produces an effect that resembles the symptoms of a particular disease.