The difference between Vegan and Vegetarian

When used as nouns, vegan means a person who does not eat, drink or otherwise consume any animal products, whereas vegetarian means a person who does not eat animal flesh, or, in some cases, use any animal products.

When used as adjectives, vegan means not containing animal products (meat, eggs, milk, leather, etc) or inherently involving animal use, whereas vegetarian means of or relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians (in all senses).

check bellow for the other definitions of Vegan and Vegetarian

  1. Vegan as an adjective (of a product or practice, especially food):

    Not containing animal products (meat, eggs, milk, leather, etc) or inherently involving animal use.


    "He eats a completely vegan diet."

    "This chocolate cake is vegan."

  2. Vegan as an adjective (of a person):

    Committed to avoiding any product or practice that inherently involves animal use.


    "She is not vegan as she eats eggs and wears leather."

  3. Vegan as an adjective:

    Relating to vegans or veganism.


    "Yesterday I went to a vegan party."

    "She is interested in vegan philosophy."

  1. Vegan as a noun:

    A person who does not eat, drink or otherwise consume any animal products

  2. Vegan as a noun:

    A person committed to avoiding products and practices that inherently involve animal use, including all foods containing animal products, and to abstaining from direct and intentional harm to animals as far as possible; an adherent to veganism.


    "Our vegan-friendly shaving brush is made with synthetic bristles instead of badger hair."

  1. Vegetarian as a noun:

    A person who does not eat animal flesh, or, in some cases, use any animal products.

  2. Vegetarian as a noun:

    An animal that eats only plants; a herbivore.


    "synonyms: [[herbivore]] qualifier standard term"

  1. Vegetarian as an adjective:

    Of or relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians (in all senses).


    "synonyms: Pythagorean"

  2. Vegetarian as an adjective:

    Without meat.

  3. Vegetarian as an adjective:

    Of a product normally made with meat, having non-meat substitutes in place of meat.

  4. Vegetarian as an adjective (of a person):

    That does not eat meat.


    "I have a vegetarian brother"