The difference between Carnivore and Vegetarian

When used as nouns, carnivore means an organism that feeds chiefly on animals, whereas vegetarian means a person who does not eat animal flesh, or, in some cases, use any animal products.

Vegetarian is also adjective with the meaning: of or relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians (in all senses).

check bellow for the other definitions of Carnivore and Vegetarian

  1. Carnivore as a noun:

    An organism that feeds chiefly on animals; an animal that feeds on meat as the main part of its diet.


    "As juveniles the crocodiles are frequently predated by larger carnivores."

  2. Carnivore as a noun (zoology):

    A mammal belonging to the order Carnivora.


    "The panda and the panther are both carnivores."

  3. Carnivore as a noun (informal):

    A person who is not a vegetarian.

  1. Vegetarian as a noun:

    A person who does not eat animal flesh, or, in some cases, use any animal products.

  2. Vegetarian as a noun:

    An animal that eats only plants; a herbivore.


    "synonyms: [[herbivore]] qualifier standard term"

  1. Vegetarian as an adjective:

    Of or relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians (in all senses).


    "synonyms: Pythagorean"

  2. Vegetarian as an adjective:

    Without meat.

  3. Vegetarian as an adjective:

    Of a product normally made with meat, having non-meat substitutes in place of meat.

  4. Vegetarian as an adjective (of a person):

    That does not eat meat.


    "I have a vegetarian brother"