The difference between Sore and Very

When used as adverbs, sore means very, excessively, extremely (of something bad), whereas very means to a great extent or degree.

When used as adjectives, sore means causing pain or discomfort, whereas very means true, real, actual.

Sore is also noun with the meaning: an injured, infected, inflamed or diseased patch of skin.

Sore is also verb with the meaning: to mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait.

check bellow for the other definitions of Sore and Very

  1. Sore as an adjective:

    Causing pain or discomfort; painfully sensitive.


    "Her feet were sore from walking so far."

  2. Sore as an adjective:

    Sensitive; tender; easily pained, grieved, or vexed; very susceptible of irritation.

  3. Sore as an adjective:

    Dire; distressing.


    "The school was in sore need of textbooks, theirs having been ruined in the flood."

  4. Sore as an adjective (informal):

    Feeling animosity towards someone; annoyed or angered.


    "Joe was sore at Bob for beating him at checkers."

  5. Sore as an adjective (obsolete):

    Criminal; wrong; evil.

  1. Sore as an adverb (archaic):

    Very, excessively, extremely (of something bad).


    "They were sore afraid.  The knight was sore wounded."

  2. Sore as an adverb:


  1. Sore as a noun:

    An injured, infected, inflamed or diseased patch of skin.


    "They put ointment and a bandage on the sore."

  2. Sore as a noun:

    Grief; affliction; trouble; difficulty.

  1. Sore as a verb (transitive):

    To mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait.

  1. Sore as a noun:

    A group of ducks on land.

  1. Sore as a noun:

    A young hawk or falcon in its first year.


    "rfquotek Edmund Spenser"

  2. Sore as a noun:

    A young buck in its fourth year.


    "rfquotek Shakespeare"

  1. Very as an adjective:

    True, real, actual.


    "The fierce hatred of a very woman.  nowrap The very blood and bone of our grammar.  nowrap He tried his very best."

  2. Very as an adjective:

    The same; identical.


    "He proposed marriage in the same restaurant, at the very table where they first met.  nowrap That's the very tool that I need."

  3. Very as an adjective:

    With limiting effect: mere.

  1. Very as an adverb:

    To a great extent or degree; extremely; exceedingly.


    "You’re drinking very slowly."

    "That dress is very ''you''."

  2. Very as an adverb:

    True, truly.

  3. Very as an adverb (with superlatives):


    "He was the very best runner there."

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