The difference between Remainder and Residue

When used as nouns, remainder means a part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed, whereas residue means whatever remains after something else has been removed.

Remainder is also verb with the meaning: to mark or declare items left unsold as subject to reduction in price.

Remainder is also adjective with the meaning: remaining.

check bellow for the other definitions of Remainder and Residue

  1. Remainder as a noun:

    A part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed.


    "My son ate part of his cake and I ate the remainder."

    "You can have the remainder of my clothes."

  2. Remainder as a noun (mathematics):

    The amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend without producing a negative result. If (dividend) and d (divisor) are integers, then can always be expressed in the form n = dq + r, where q (quotient) and r (remainder) are also integers and 0 ≤ r < d.


    "17 leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 3."

    "11 divided by 2 is 5 remainder 1."

  3. Remainder as a noun (mathematics):

    The number left over after a simple subtraction


    "10 minus 4 leaves a remainder of 6"

  4. Remainder as a noun (commerce):

    Excess stock items left unsold and subject to reduction in price.


    "I got a really good price on this shirt because it was a remainder."

  5. Remainder as a noun (legal):

    An estate in expectancy which only comes in its heir's possession after an estate created by the same instrument has been determined

  1. Remainder as an adjective:


  1. Remainder as a verb (commerce):

    To mark or declare items left unsold as subject to reduction in price.


    "The bookstore remaindered the unsold copies of that book at the end of summer at a reduced price."

  1. Residue as a noun:

    Whatever remains after something else has been removed.

  2. Residue as a noun (chemistry):

    The substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration or any similar process.

  3. Residue as a noun (biochemistry):

    A molecule that is released from a polymer after bonds between neighbouring monomers are broken, such as an amino acid in a polypeptide chain.

  4. Residue as a noun (legal):

    Whatever property or effects are left in an estate after payment of all debts, other charges and deduction of what is specifically bequeathed by the testator.

  5. Residue as a noun (mathematics):

    A form of complex number, proportional to the contour integral of a meromorphic function along a path enclosing one of its singularities.