The difference between Red and Yellow

When used as nouns, red means any of a range of colours having the longest wavelengths, 670&nbsp, whereas yellow means the colour of gold, butter, or a lemon.

When used as adjectives, red means having red as its color, whereas yellow means having yellow as its colour.

Yellow is also verb with the meaning: to become yellow or more yellow.

check bellow for the other definitions of Red and Yellow

  1. Red as an adjective:

    Having red as its color.


    "The girl wore a red skirt."

  2. Red as an adjective (of hair):

    Having an orange-brown or orange-blond colour; ginger.


    "Her hair had red highlights."

  3. Red as an adjective (card games, of a card):

    Of the hearts or diamonds suits. Compare


    "I got two red queens, and he got one of the black queens."

  4. Red as an adjective (often, capitalized):

    Supportive of, related to, or dominated by a political party or movement represented by the color red: the U.S. Republican party Left-wing parties and movements, chiefly socialist or communist, including the U.K. Labour party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany.


    "a red state"

    "a red Congress"

    "the red-black grand coalition in Germany"

  5. Red as an adjective (chiefly, derogatory, offensive):

    Amerind; relating to Amerindians or First Nations

  6. Red as an adjective (astronomy):

    Of the lower-frequency region of the (typically visible) part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.

  7. Red as an adjective (particle physics):

    Having a color charge of red.

  1. Red as a noun (countable, and, uncountable):

    Any of a range of colours having the longest wavelengths, 670 nm, of the visible spectrum; a primary additive colour for transmitted light: the colour obtained by subtracting green and blue from white light using magenta and yellow filters; the colour of blood, ripe strawberries, etc.


    "color paneF00000"

  2. Red as a noun (countable):

    A revolutionary socialist or (most commonly) a Communist; a Bolshevik, a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.

  3. Red as a noun (countable, snooker):

    One of the 15 red balls used in snooker, distinguished from the colours.

  4. Red as a noun (countable, and, uncountable):

    Red wine.

  5. Red as a noun (countable, informal, birdwatching):

    A redshank.

  6. Red as a noun (derogatory, offensive):

    An Amerind.

  7. Red as a noun (slang):

    The drug secobarbital; a capsule of this drug.

  8. Red as a noun (informal):

    A red light

  9. Red as a noun (Ireland, UK, beverages, informal):

    red lemonade

  10. Red as a noun (particle physics):

    One of the three color charges for quarks.

  11. Red as a noun (US, colloquial, uncountable):

    chili con carne (usually in the phrase "bowl of red")

  1. Red as a verb (archaic):

  1. Red as a verb:

  1. Yellow as an adjective:

    Having yellow as its colour.

  2. Yellow as an adjective (informal):

    Lacking courage.

  3. Yellow as an adjective (publishing, journalism):

    Characterized by sensationalism, lurid content, and doubtful accuracy.

  4. Yellow as an adjective (chiefly, derogatory, offensive):

    Far East Asian .

  5. Yellow as an adjective (dated, Australia, offensive):

    Of mixed Aboriginal and Caucasian ancestry.

  6. Yellow as an adjective (dated, US):

    High yellow.

  7. Yellow as an adjective (UK, politics):

    Related to the Liberal Democrats.


    "yellow constituencies"

  8. Yellow as an adjective (politics):

    Related to the of Germany.


    "the black-yellow coalition"

  1. Yellow as a noun:

    The colour of gold, butter, or a lemon; the colour obtained by mixing green and red light, or by subtracting blue from white light.

  2. Yellow as a noun (US):

    The intermediate light in a set of three traffic lights, the illumination of which indicates that drivers should stop short of the intersection if it is safe to do so.

  3. Yellow as a noun (snooker):

    One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 2 points.

  4. Yellow as a noun (pocket billiards):

    One of two groups of object balls, or a ball from that group, as used in the principally British version of pool that makes use of unnumbered balls (the (yellow(s) and red(s)); contrast stripes and solids in the originally American version with numbered balls).

  5. Yellow as a noun (sports):

    A yellow card.

  1. Yellow as a verb (intransitive):

    To become yellow or more yellow.

  2. Yellow as a verb (transitive):

    To make (something) yellow or more yellow.