The difference between Carmine and Red

When used as nouns, carmine means a purplish-red pigment, made from dye obtained from the cochineal beetle, whereas red means any of a range of colours having the longest wavelengths, 670&nbsp.

When used as adjectives, carmine means of the purplish red colour shade carmine, whereas red means having red as its color.

check bellow for the other definitions of Carmine and Red

  1. Carmine as a noun:

    A purplish-red pigment, made from dye obtained from the cochineal beetle; carminic acid or any of its derivatives.

  2. Carmine as a noun:

    A purplish-red colour, resembling that pigment.


    "color pane7F3A3F"

  1. Carmine as an adjective:

    Of the purplish red colour shade carmine.

  1. Red as an adjective:

    Having red as its color.


    "The girl wore a red skirt."

  2. Red as an adjective (of hair):

    Having an orange-brown or orange-blond colour; ginger.


    "Her hair had red highlights."

  3. Red as an adjective (card games, of a card):

    Of the hearts or diamonds suits. Compare


    "I got two red queens, and he got one of the black queens."

  4. Red as an adjective (often, capitalized):

    Supportive of, related to, or dominated by a political party or movement represented by the color red: the U.S. Republican party Left-wing parties and movements, chiefly socialist or communist, including the U.K. Labour party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany.


    "a red state"

    "a red Congress"

    "the red-black grand coalition in Germany"

  5. Red as an adjective (chiefly, derogatory, offensive):

    Amerind; relating to Amerindians or First Nations

  6. Red as an adjective (astronomy):

    Of the lower-frequency region of the (typically visible) part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.

  7. Red as an adjective (particle physics):

    Having a color charge of red.

  1. Red as a noun (countable, and, uncountable):

    Any of a range of colours having the longest wavelengths, 670 nm, of the visible spectrum; a primary additive colour for transmitted light: the colour obtained by subtracting green and blue from white light using magenta and yellow filters; the colour of blood, ripe strawberries, etc.


    "color paneF00000"

  2. Red as a noun (countable):

    A revolutionary socialist or (most commonly) a Communist; a Bolshevik, a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.

  3. Red as a noun (countable, snooker):

    One of the 15 red balls used in snooker, distinguished from the colours.

  4. Red as a noun (countable, and, uncountable):

    Red wine.

  5. Red as a noun (countable, informal, birdwatching):

    A redshank.

  6. Red as a noun (derogatory, offensive):

    An Amerind.

  7. Red as a noun (slang):

    The drug secobarbital; a capsule of this drug.

  8. Red as a noun (informal):

    A red light

  9. Red as a noun (Ireland, UK, beverages, informal):

    red lemonade

  10. Red as a noun (particle physics):

    One of the three color charges for quarks.

  11. Red as a noun (US, colloquial, uncountable):

    chili con carne (usually in the phrase "bowl of red")

  1. Red as a verb (archaic):

  1. Red as a verb: