The difference between Precarious and Wobbly

When used as adjectives, precarious means dangerously insecure or unstable, whereas wobbly means unsteady and tending to wobble.

check bellow for the other definitions of Precarious and Wobbly

  1. Precarious as an adjective (comparable):

    Dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous.

  2. Precarious as an adjective (legal):

    Depending on the intention of another.

  1. Precarious as an adjective (dentistry):

    Relating to incipient caries.

  1. Wobbly as an adjective:

    Unsteady and tending to wobble.

  1. Wobbly as a noun (US, labor union):

  2. Wobbly as a noun (British, slang):

    A wobbler; a fit of rage.