The difference between Precarious and Tottering

When used as adjectives, precarious means dangerously insecure or unstable, whereas tottering means unsteady, precarious or rickety.

Tottering is also noun with the meaning: the movement of one who totters.

check bellow for the other definitions of Precarious and Tottering

  1. Precarious as an adjective (comparable):

    Dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous.

  2. Precarious as an adjective (legal):

    Depending on the intention of another.

  1. Precarious as an adjective (dentistry):

    Relating to incipient caries.

  1. Tottering as a verb:

  1. Tottering as an adjective:

    Unsteady, precarious or rickety.

  2. Tottering as an adjective:

    Unstable, insecure or wobbly.

  1. Tottering as a noun:

    The movement of one who totters.