The difference between None and Some

When used as determiners, none means not any, whereas some means a certain proportion of, at least one.

When used as pronouns, none means not any of a given number or group. no one, nobody. no person, whereas some means a certain number, at least one.

When used as adverbs, none means to no extent, in no way, whereas some means of a measurement: approximately, roughly.

None is also noun with the meaning: a person without religious affiliation.

check bellow for the other definitions of None and Some

  1. None as a pronoun:

    Not any of a given number or group. No one, nobody. No person.


    "None of those is a good example. None are even acceptable."

    "None of this meat tastes right."

    "None of those people is my father."

    "None of those people are my parents."

  1. None as an adverb:

    To no extent, in no way.


    "I felt none the worse for my recent illness."

    "He was none too pleased with the delays in the program that was supposed to be his legacy."

  2. None as an adverb:

    Not at all.


    "Now don't you worry none."

  3. None as an adverb (obsolete):

    No, not.

  1. None as a noun:

    A person without religious affiliation.

  1. None as a noun (Christian):

    the ninth hour after dawn; the religious service appointed to this hour.

  2. None as a noun (obsolete):

    the time around or following noon or nones.

  1. Some as a pronoun:

    A certain number, at least one.


    "'Some enjoy spicy food, others prefer it milder."

  2. Some as a pronoun:

    An indefinite quantity.


    "Can I have some of them?"

  3. Some as a pronoun:

    An indefinite amount, a part.


    "please give me some of the cake; everyone is wrong some of the time"

  1. Some as an adverb:

    Of a measurement: approximately, roughly


    "I guess he must have weighed some 90 kilos."

    "'Some 30,000 spectators witnessed the feat."

    "'Some 4,000 acres of land were flooded."

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