The difference between Negative and Undesirable

When used as nouns, negative means refusal or withholding of assents, whereas undesirable means an undesirable person.

When used as adjectives, negative means not positive or neutral, whereas undesirable means objectionable or not likely to please.

Negative is also interjection with the meaning: .}}.

Negative is also verb with the meaning: to refuse.

check bellow for the other definitions of Negative and Undesirable

  1. Negative as an adjective:

    Not positive or neutral.

  2. Negative as an adjective (physics):

    Of electrical charge of an electron and related particles

  3. Negative as an adjective (mathematics):

    Of a number: less than zero

  4. Negative as an adjective (linguistics, logic):

    Denying a proposition.

  5. Negative as an adjective:

    Damaging; undesirable; unfavourable.

  6. Negative as an adjective:

    Often used pejoratively: pessimistic; not tending to see the bright side of things.

  7. Negative as an adjective:

    Of or relating to a photographic image in which the colours of the original, and the relations of left and right, are reversed.

  8. Negative as an adjective (chemistry):

    Metalloidal, nonmetallic; contrasted with positive or basic.


    "The nitro group is negative."

  9. Negative as an adjective ([[New Age]] [[jargon]], pejorative):

    Often preceded by , , , or : to be avoided, bad, difficult, disagreeable, painful, potentially damaging, unpleasant, unwanted.

  10. Negative as an adjective:

    Characterized by the presence of features which do not support a hypothesis.

  1. Negative as a noun:

    Refusal or withholding of assents; prohibition, veto

  2. Negative as a noun (law):

    A right of veto.

  3. Negative as a noun (photography):

    An image in which dark areas represent light ones, and the converse.

  4. Negative as a noun (grammar):

    A word that indicates negation.

  5. Negative as a noun (mathematics):

    A negative quantity.

  6. Negative as a noun (weightlifting):

    A rep performed with weight in which the muscle begins at maximum contraction and is slowly extended; a movement performed using only the eccentric phase of muscle movement.

  7. Negative as a noun:

    The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell.

  1. Negative as a verb (transitive):

    To refuse; to veto.

  2. Negative as a verb (transitive):

    To contradict.

  3. Negative as a verb (transitive):

    To disprove.

  4. Negative as a verb (transitive):

    To make ineffective; to neutralize.

  1. Undesirable as an adjective:

    objectionable or not likely to please

  1. Undesirable as a noun:

    an undesirable person

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