The difference between Koan and Paradox

When used as nouns, koan means a story about a zen master and his student, sometimes like a riddle, other times like a fable, which has become an object of zen study, and which, when meditated upon, may unlock mechanisms in the zen student's mind leading to satori, whereas paradox means an apparently self-contradictory statement, which can only be true if it is false, and vice versa.

check bellow for the other definitions of Koan and Paradox

  1. Koan as a noun (Zen, _, Buddhism):

    A story about a Zen master and his student, sometimes like a riddle, other times like a fable, which has become an object of Zen study, and which, when meditated upon, may unlock mechanisms in the Zen student's mind leading to satori.

  2. Koan as a noun:

    A riddle with no solution, used to provoke reflection on the inadequacy of logical reasoning, and to lead to enlightenment.

  1. Paradox as a noun:

    An apparently self-contradictory statement, which can only be true if it is false, and vice versa.


    "This sentence is false" is a paradox."

  2. Paradox as a noun:

    A counterintuitive conclusion or outcome.


    "It is an interesting paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty."

  3. Paradox as a noun:

    A claim that two apparently contradictory ideas are true.


    "Not having a fashion is a fashion; that's a paradox."

  4. Paradox as a noun:

    A thing involving contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.

  5. Paradox as a noun:

    A person or thing having contradictory properties.


    "He is a paradox; you would not expect him in that political party."

  6. Paradox as a noun:

    An unanswerable question or difficult puzzle, particularly one which leads to a deeper truth.

  7. Paradox as a noun (obsolete):

    A statement which is difficult to believe, or which goes against general belief.

  8. Paradox as a noun (uncountable):

    The use of counterintuitive or contradictory statements (paradoxes) in speech or writing.

  9. Paradox as a noun (uncountable, philosophy):

    A state in which one is logically compelled to contradict oneself.

  10. Paradox as a noun (uncountable, psychotherapy):

    The practice of giving instructions that are opposed to the therapist's actual intent, with the intention that the client will disobey or be unable to obey.