The difference between Jamb and Lintel

When used as nouns, jamb means either of the vertical components that form the side of an opening in a wall, such as that of a door frame, window frame, or fireplace, whereas lintel means a horizontal structural beam spanning an opening, such as between the uprights of a door or a window, and which supports the wall above.

Jamb is also verb with the meaning: to fix or attach a jamb to.

check bellow for the other definitions of Jamb and Lintel

  1. Jamb as a noun (architecture, interior decorating, carpentry):

    Either of the vertical components that form the side of an opening in a wall, such as that of a door frame, window frame, or fireplace.

  2. Jamb as a noun (mining):

    Any thick mass of rock that prevents miners from following the lode or vein.

  1. Jamb as a verb (transitive):

    To fix or attach a jamb to.

  1. Lintel as a noun (architecture):

    A horizontal structural beam spanning an opening, such as between the uprights of a door or a window, and which supports the wall above.

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