The difference between Hybrid and Mixed

When used as adjectives, hybrid means consisting of diverse 'hybridized' components, whereas mixed means having two or more separate aspects.

Hybrid is also noun with the meaning: offspring resulting from cross-breeding different entities, e.g. two different species or two purebred parent strains.

check bellow for the other definitions of Hybrid and Mixed

  1. Hybrid as a noun (biology):

    Offspring resulting from cross-breeding different entities, e.g. two different species or two purebred parent strains.

  2. Hybrid as a noun (linguistics):

    Something of mixed origin or composition; often, a tool or technology that combines the benefits of formerly separate tools or technologies. A word whose elements are derived from different languages. A hybrid vehicle (especially a car), one that runs on both fuel (gasoline/diesel) and electricity (battery or energy from the sun). A bicycle that is a compromise between a road bike and a mountain bike. A golf club that combines the characteristics of an iron and a wood. An electronic circuit constructed of individual devices bonded to a substrate or PCB.

  1. Hybrid as an adjective:

    Consisting of diverse 'hybridized' components.

  1. Mixed as a verb:

  1. Mixed as an adjective:

    Having two or more separate aspects.


    "I get a very mixed feeling from this puzzling painting."

  2. Mixed as an adjective:

    Not completely pure, tainted or adulterated.


    "My joy was somewhat mixed when my partner said she was pregnant: it's a lot of responsibility."

  3. Mixed as an adjective:

    Including both male(s) and female(s).


    "The tennis match was mixed with a boy and a girl on each side."

    "My son attends a mixed school, my daughter an all-girl grammar school."

  4. Mixed as an adjective:

    Stemming from two or more races or breeds


    "The benefit dog show has both mixed and single-breed competitions."

    "Mixed blood can surprisingly produce inherited properties which neither parent showed"