The difference between Green and Verdant

When used as adjectives, green means having green as its color, whereas verdant means green in colour.

Green is also noun with the meaning: the colour of growing foliage, as well as other plant cells containing chlorophyll.

Green is also verb with the meaning: to make (something) green, to turn (something) green.

check bellow for the other definitions of Green and Verdant

  1. Green as an adjective:

    Having green as its color.


    "The former w Flag of Libya#Great_Socialist_People.27s_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya_.281977.E2.80.932011.29 flag of Libya is [[fully]] green."

  2. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):

    Sickly, unwell.


    "Sally looks pretty green — is she going to be sick?"

  3. Green as an adjective:

    Unripe, said of certain fruits that change color when they ripen.

  4. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):



    "John's kind of green, so take it easy on him this first week."

  5. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):

    Naïve or unaware of obvious facts.

  6. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):

    Overcome with envy.


    "He was green with envy."

  7. Green as an adjective (figurative):

    Environmentally friendly.

  8. Green as an adjective (cricket):

    Describing a pitch which, even if there is no visible grass, still contains a significant amount of moisture.

  9. Green as an adjective (dated):

    Of bacon or similar smallgoods: unprocessed, raw, unsmoked; not smoked or spiced.

  10. Green as an adjective (dated):

    Not fully roasted; half raw.

  11. Green as an adjective:

    Of freshly cut wood or lumber that has not been dried: containing moisture and therefore relatively more flexible or springy.


    "That timber is still too green to be used."

    "rfquotek Shakespeare"

  12. Green as an adjective (wine):

    High or too high in acidity.

  13. Green as an adjective:

    Full of life and vigour; fresh and vigorous; new; recent.


    "a green manhood; a green wound"

  14. Green as an adjective (Philippines):

    Having a sexual connotation.

  15. Green as an adjective (particle physics):

    Having a color charge of green.

  1. Green as a noun:

    The colour of growing foliage, as well as other plant cells containing chlorophyll; the colour between yellow and blue in the visible spectrum; one of the primary additive colour for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and blue from white light using cyan and yellow filters.


    "color pane008000"

  2. Green as a noun (politics, sometimes capitalised):

    A member of a green party; an environmentalist.

  3. Green as a noun (golf):

    A putting green, the part of a golf course near the hole.

  4. Green as a noun (bowls):

    The surface upon which bowls is played.

  5. Green as a noun (snooker):

    One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 3 points.

  6. Green as a noun (British):

    a public patch of land in the middle of a settlement.

  7. Green as a noun:

    A grassy plain; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage.

  8. Green as a noun (mostly, in plural):

    Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths.

  9. Green as a noun:

    Any substance or pigment of a green colour.

  10. Green as a noun (British, slang, uncountable):


  11. Green as a noun (US, slang, uncountable):


  12. Green as a noun (particle physics):

    One of the three color charges for quarks.

  1. Green as a verb (transitive):

    To make (something) green, to turn (something) green.

  2. Green as a verb:

    To become or grow green in colour.


    "rfquotek Tennyson"

  3. Green as a verb (transitive):

    To add greenspaces to (a town, etc.).

  4. Green as a verb (intransitive):

    To become environmentally aware.

  5. Green as a verb (transitive):

    To make (something) environmentally friendly.

  1. Verdant as an adjective:

    Green in colour.

  2. Verdant as an adjective:

    Abundant in verdure; lush with vegetation.

  3. Verdant as an adjective:


  4. Verdant as an adjective:



    "a verdant youth from the interior of Connecticut"