The difference between Green and Raw

When used as nouns, green means the colour of growing foliage, as well as other plant cells containing chlorophyll, whereas raw means an unprocessed sugar.

When used as adjectives, green means having green as its color, whereas raw means of food: not cooked.

Green is also verb with the meaning: to make (something) green, to turn (something) green.

Raw is also adverb with the meaning: without a condom.

check bellow for the other definitions of Green and Raw

  1. Green as an adjective:

    Having green as its color.


    "The former w Flag of Libya#Great_Socialist_People.27s_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya_.281977.E2.80.932011.29 flag of Libya is [[fully]] green."

  2. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):

    Sickly, unwell.


    "Sally looks pretty green — is she going to be sick?"

  3. Green as an adjective:

    Unripe, said of certain fruits that change color when they ripen.

  4. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):



    "John's kind of green, so take it easy on him this first week."

  5. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):

    Naïve or unaware of obvious facts.

  6. Green as an adjective (figurative, of people):

    Overcome with envy.


    "He was green with envy."

  7. Green as an adjective (figurative):

    Environmentally friendly.

  8. Green as an adjective (cricket):

    Describing a pitch which, even if there is no visible grass, still contains a significant amount of moisture.

  9. Green as an adjective (dated):

    Of bacon or similar smallgoods: unprocessed, raw, unsmoked; not smoked or spiced.

  10. Green as an adjective (dated):

    Not fully roasted; half raw.

  11. Green as an adjective:

    Of freshly cut wood or lumber that has not been dried: containing moisture and therefore relatively more flexible or springy.


    "That timber is still too green to be used."

    "rfquotek Shakespeare"

  12. Green as an adjective (wine):

    High or too high in acidity.

  13. Green as an adjective:

    Full of life and vigour; fresh and vigorous; new; recent.


    "a green manhood; a green wound"

  14. Green as an adjective (Philippines):

    Having a sexual connotation.

  15. Green as an adjective (particle physics):

    Having a color charge of green.

  1. Green as a noun:

    The colour of growing foliage, as well as other plant cells containing chlorophyll; the colour between yellow and blue in the visible spectrum; one of the primary additive colour for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and blue from white light using cyan and yellow filters.


    "color pane008000"

  2. Green as a noun (politics, sometimes capitalised):

    A member of a green party; an environmentalist.

  3. Green as a noun (golf):

    A putting green, the part of a golf course near the hole.

  4. Green as a noun (bowls):

    The surface upon which bowls is played.

  5. Green as a noun (snooker):

    One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 3 points.

  6. Green as a noun (British):

    a public patch of land in the middle of a settlement.

  7. Green as a noun:

    A grassy plain; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage.

  8. Green as a noun (mostly, in plural):

    Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths.

  9. Green as a noun:

    Any substance or pigment of a green colour.

  10. Green as a noun (British, slang, uncountable):


  11. Green as a noun (US, slang, uncountable):


  12. Green as a noun (particle physics):

    One of the three color charges for quarks.

  1. Green as a verb (transitive):

    To make (something) green, to turn (something) green.

  2. Green as a verb:

    To become or grow green in colour.


    "rfquotek Tennyson"

  3. Green as a verb (transitive):

    To add greenspaces to (a town, etc.).

  4. Green as a verb (intransitive):

    To become environmentally aware.

  5. Green as a verb (transitive):

    To make (something) environmentally friendly.

  1. Raw as an adjective:

    Of food: not cooked.

  2. Raw as an adjective:

    Not treated or processed (of materials, products etc.); in a natural state, unrefined, unprocessed.


    "'raw cane sugar"

    "'raw sewage"

  3. Raw as an adjective:

    Having had the skin removed or abraded; chafed, tender; exposed, lacerated.


    "a raw wound"

  4. Raw as an adjective:

    New or inexperienced.


    "a raw beginner"

  5. Raw as an adjective:

    Crude in quality; rough, uneven, unsophisticated.


    "a raw voice"

  6. Raw as an adjective:

    Of data, statistics etc: uncorrected, without analysis.

  7. Raw as an adjective:

    Of weather: unpleasantly cold or damp.


    "a raw wind"

  8. Raw as an adjective (obsolete):

    Not covered; bare; bald.

  1. Raw as an adverb (slang):

    Without a condom.


    "We did it raw."

  1. Raw as a noun (sugar refining, sugar trade):

    An unprocessed sugar; a batch of such.

  2. Raw as a noun:

    A galled place; an inveterate sore.

  3. Raw as a noun (by extension, figurative):

    A point about which a person is particularly sensitive.

  4. Raw as a noun (anime, _, fandom):

    A recording or rip of a show that has not been fansubbed.

  5. Raw as a noun (manga, _, fandom):

    A scan that has not been cleaned and has not been scanlated.