The difference between Gender-free and Gender-neutral

When used as adjectives, gender-free means (identifying themselves as) having no gender, as being neither male nor female nor any third gender, whereas gender-neutral means applicable or available to all genders.

check bellow for the other definitions of Gender-free and Gender-neutral

  1. Gender-free as an adjective (of people, not gradable):

    Free of gender; not having or not attaching relevance to gender. (Identifying themselves as) having no gender, as being neither male nor female nor any third gender. Socially acceptable for and available to any gender. Which does not define people in the basis of gender; in which gender is not present, or is insignificant or irrelevant to people's lives and choices. Appropriately used of, or perceived as being appropriately used of, any gender.

  1. Gender-neutral as an adjective:

    Applicable or available to all genders.


    "The women's sleeping quarters are on the left side of the dormitory, the men's are on the right; gender-neutral restrooms are located in the middle."

    "Many modern laws use gender-neutral constructions like "he or she" in place of the old, supposedly unmarked "he"."

  2. Gender-neutral as an adjective:

    Not indicating or restricted by gender, and thus applicable or available to those of any gender and to those of no gender.


    "Gender-neutral pronouns like "ey" and "ze" are used by many genderqueer, intersex, and neutrois individuals."

  3. Gender-neutral as an adjective (grammar):

    In languages where words are assigned to one gender or another, lacking such an assignment.