The difference between Gayelle and Lesbian

When used as nouns, gayelle means an informal stage or arena, as for cockfighting or stickfighting, whereas lesbian means a homosexual woman, one who is motly or exclusively sexually or romantically attracted to other women.

Lesbian is also adjective with the meaning: homosexual, gay.

check bellow for the other definitions of Gayelle and Lesbian

  1. Gayelle as a noun (Caribbean, chiefly, Trinidad and Tobago):

    An informal stage or arena, as for cockfighting or stickfighting.

  1. Gayelle as a noun (neologism, rare, nonstandard):

    A lesbian

  1. Lesbian as an adjective (of a woman):

    Homosexual, gay; preferring mostly or exclusively women as romantic or sexual partners.


    "She is lesbian."

  2. Lesbian as an adjective (of a romantic or sexual act or relationship):

    Between two or more women; homosexual, gay.


    "a lesbian relationship / marriage / kiss"

  3. Lesbian as an adjective (especially of an institution or group):

    Intended for lesbians.


    "We're going to a lesbian bar tonight."

  1. Lesbian as a noun:

    A homosexual woman, one who is motly or exclusively sexually or romantically attracted to other women.