The difference between Foal and Mare

When used as nouns, foal means a young horse or related animal, especially just after birth or less than a year old, whereas mare means an adult female horse.

Foal is also verb with the meaning: to give birth to (a foal).

check bellow for the other definitions of Foal and Mare

  1. Foal as a noun:

    A young horse or related animal, especially just after birth or less than a year old.

  2. Foal as a noun (mining, historical):

    A young boy who assisted the headsman by pushing or pulling the tub.

  1. Foal as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To give birth to (a foal); to bear offspring.

  1. Mare as a noun:

    An adult female horse.

  2. Mare as a noun (UK, pejorative, slang):

    A foolish woman.

  1. Mare as a noun (obsolete, or, historical):

    A type of evil spirit formerly thought to sit on the chest of a sleeping person; also, the feeling of suffocation felt during sleep, attributed to such a spirit.

  2. Mare as a noun (UK, colloquial):

    () A nightmare; a frustrating or terrible experience.


    "I'm having a complete mare today."

  1. Mare as a noun (planetology):

    A large, dark plain, which may have the appearance of a sea.

  2. Mare as a noun (planetology):

    On Saturn's moon Titan, a large expanse of what is thought to be liquid hydrocarbons.

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