The difference between Colt and Foal

When used as nouns, colt means a young male horse, whereas foal means a young horse or related animal, especially just after birth or less than a year old.

When used as verbs, colt means to horse, whereas foal means to give birth to (a foal).

check bellow for the other definitions of Colt and Foal

  1. Colt as a noun:

    A young male horse.


    "coordinate terms filly"

  2. Colt as a noun:

    A young crane (bird).

  3. Colt as a noun:

    A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.

  4. Colt as a noun (nautical):

    A short piece of rope once used by petty officers as an instrument of punishment.

  5. Colt as a noun (biblical):

    A young camel or donkey.

  1. Colt as a verb (obsolete, transitive):

    To horse; to get with young.

  2. Colt as a verb (obsolete, transitive):

    To befool.

  3. Colt as a verb:

    To frisk or frolic like a colt; to act licentiously or wantonly.

  1. Foal as a noun:

    A young horse or related animal, especially just after birth or less than a year old.

  2. Foal as a noun (mining, historical):

    A young boy who assisted the headsman by pushing or pulling the tub.

  1. Foal as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To give birth to (a foal); to bear offspring.

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