The difference between Flair and Talent

When used as nouns, flair means a natural or innate talent or aptitude, whereas talent means a marked natural ability or skill.

Flair is also verb with the meaning: to add flair.

check bellow for the other definitions of Flair and Talent

  1. Flair as a noun:

    A natural or innate talent or aptitude; a knack.

  2. Flair as a noun:

    Distinctive style or elegance; panache or elan.

  3. Flair as a noun (obsolete):

    Smell; odor.

  4. Flair as a noun (obsolete):

    The sense of smell.

  1. Flair as a verb (transitive):

    To add flair.

  1. Talent as a noun:

    A marked natural ability or skill.


    "He has a real talent for drawing."

  2. Talent as a noun (historical):

    A unit of weight and money used in ancient times in Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Middle East.

  3. Talent as a noun (obsolete):

    A desire or inclination for something.

  4. Talent as a noun (business, media, sports):

    People of talent, viewed collectively; a talented person.


    "The director searched their talent pool to fill the new opening."

  5. Talent as a noun (slang):

    The men or (especially) women of a place or area, judged by their attractiveness.


    "Not much talent in this bar tonight—let's hit the clubs."

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