The difference between Flair and Style

When used as nouns, flair means a natural or innate talent or aptitude, whereas style means a manner of doing or presenting things, especially a fashionable one.

When used as verbs, flair means to add flair, whereas style means to create or give a style, fashion or image to.

check bellow for the other definitions of Flair and Style

  1. Flair as a noun:

    A natural or innate talent or aptitude; a knack.

  2. Flair as a noun:

    Distinctive style or elegance; panache or elan.

  3. Flair as a noun (obsolete):

    Smell; odor.

  4. Flair as a noun (obsolete):

    The sense of smell.

  1. Flair as a verb (transitive):

    To add flair.

  1. Style as a noun:

    A manner of doing or presenting things, especially a fashionable one.

  2. Style as a noun:

    Flair; grace; fashionable skill.


    "As a dancer, he has a lot of style."

  3. Style as a noun (botany):

    The stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower.

  4. Style as a noun:

    A traditional or legal term preceding a reference to a person who holds a title or post.

  5. Style as a noun:

    A traditional or legal term used to address a person who holds a title or post.


    "the style of Majesty"

  6. Style as a noun (nonstandard):

    A stylus.

  7. Style as a noun (obsolete):

    A pen; an author's pen.


    "rfquotek Dryden"

  8. Style as a noun:

    A sharp-pointed tool used in engraving; a graver.

  9. Style as a noun:

    A kind of blunt-pointed surgical instrument.

  10. Style as a noun:

    A long, slender, bristle-like process.


    "the anal styles of insects"

  11. Style as a noun:

    The pin, or gnomon, of a sundial, the shadow of which indicates the hour.

  12. Style as a noun (computing):

    A visual or other modification to text or other elements of a document, such as bold or italic.


    "applying styles to text in a wordprocessor"

    "Cascading Style Sheets"

  1. Style as a verb (transitive):

    To create or give a style, fashion or image to.

  2. Style as a verb (transitive):

    To call or give a name or title to.