The difference between Couch and Phrase

When used as nouns, couch means an item of furniture, often upholstered, for the comfortable seating of more than one person, whereas phrase means a short written or spoken expression.

When used as verbs, couch means to lie down, whereas phrase means to express (an action, thought or idea) by means of particular words.

check bellow for the other definitions of Couch and Phrase

  1. Couch as a noun:

    An item of furniture, often upholstered, for the comfortable seating of more than one person.

  2. Couch as a noun:

    A bed, a resting-place.

  3. Couch as a noun (art, painting and gilding):

    A preliminary layer, as of colour or size.

  4. Couch as a noun (brewing):

    A mass of steeped barley spread upon a floor to germinate, in malting; or the floor occupied by the barley.


    "a couch of malt"

  1. Couch as a verb:

    To lie down; to recline (upon a couch or other place of repose).

  2. Couch as a verb (archaic):

    To lie down for concealment; to conceal, to hide; to be concealed; to be included or involved darkly or secretly.

  3. Couch as a verb:

    To bend the body, as in reverence, pain, labor, etc.; to stoop; to crouch.

  4. Couch as a verb (transitive):

    To lay something upon a bed or other resting place.

  5. Couch as a verb (transitive):

    To arrange or dispose as if in a bed.

  6. Couch as a verb (transitive):

    To lay or deposit in a bed or layer; to bed.

  7. Couch as a verb (transitive):

    To lower (a spear or lance) to the position of attack.

  8. Couch as a verb (ophthalmology, transitive):

    In the treatment of a cataract in the eye, to displace the opaque lens with a sharp object such as a needle. The technique is regarded as largely obsolete.

  9. Couch as a verb (paper-making, transitive):

    To transfer (for example, sheets of partly dried pulp) from the wire mould to a felt blanket for further drying.

  10. Couch as a verb (sewing, transitive):

    To attach a thread onto with small stitches in order to add .

  11. Couch as a verb:

    To phrase in a particular style; to use specific wording for.


    "He couched it as a request, but it was an order."

  1. Couch as a noun:

    , a species of persistent grass, Elymus repens, usually considered a weed.

  1. Phrase as a noun:

    A short written or spoken expression.

  2. Phrase as a noun (grammar):

    A word or group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence, usually consisting of a head, or central word, and elaborating words.

  3. Phrase as a noun (music):

    A small section of music in a larger piece.

  4. Phrase as a noun (archaic):

    A mode or form of speech; diction; expression.

  1. Phrase as a verb (transitive):

    To express (an action, thought or idea) by means of particular words.


    "I wasn't sure how to phrase my condolences without sounding patronising."

  2. Phrase as a verb (intransitive, music):

    To perform a passage with the correct phrasing.

  3. Phrase as a verb (transitive, music):

    To divide into melodic phrases.