The difference between Copper and Kipper

When used as nouns, copper means a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol cu, and atomic number 29, whereas kipper means a split, salted and smoked herring or salmon.

When used as verbs, copper means to sheathe or coat with copper, whereas kipper means to prepare a herring or similar fish in that fashion.

When used as adjectives, copper means made of copper, whereas kipper means amorous.

check bellow for the other definitions of Copper and Kipper

  1. Copper as a noun (uncountable):

    A reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29.

  2. Copper as a noun (countable):

    Something made of copper.

  3. Copper as a noun:

    The reddish-brown colour/color of copper.


    "color paneBB5836"

  4. Copper as a noun (countable):

    A copper coin.

  5. Copper as a noun (UK, AU, dated):

    A large pot, often used for heating water or washing clothes over a fire. In Australasia at least, it could also be a fixed installation made of copper, with a fire underneath and its own chimney. Generally made redundant by the advent of the washing machine.


    "Mum would heat the water in a copper in the kitchen and transfer it to the tin bath."

    "I explain that socks can’t be boiled up in the copper with the sheets and towels or they shrink."

  1. Copper as an adjective:

    Made of copper.

  2. Copper as an adjective:

    Having the reddish-brown colour/color of copper.

  1. Copper as a verb:

    To sheathe or coat with copper.

  1. Copper as a noun (slang, law enforcement):

    A police officer.

  1. Kipper as a noun:

    A split, salted and smoked herring or salmon.

  2. Kipper as a noun:

    A male salmon after spawning.

  3. Kipper as a noun (military, [[RAF]] [[World War II]] code name):

    A patrol to protect fishing boats in the Irish and North Seas against attack from the air.

  4. Kipper as a noun (UK, humorous, often with capital):

    A member or supporter of UKIP (UK Independence Party).

  1. Kipper as a verb (cooking):

    To prepare a herring or similar fish in that fashion.

  1. Kipper as an adjective (UK, dialect):


  2. Kipper as an adjective (UK, dialect):

    lively; light-footed; nimble


    "rfquotek Halliwell"