The difference between Circumstantial and Essential

When used as nouns, circumstantial means something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance, whereas essential means a necessary ingredient.

When used as adjectives, circumstantial means pertaining to or dependent on circumstances, especially as opposed to essentials, whereas essential means necessary.

check bellow for the other definitions of Circumstantial and Essential

  1. Circumstantial as an adjective:

    Pertaining to or dependent on circumstances, especially as opposed to essentials; incidental, not essential.

  2. Circumstantial as an adjective:

    Abounding with minor circumstances; in great detail; particular.

  3. Circumstantial as an adjective:

    Full of circumstance or pomp; ceremonial.

  4. Circumstantial as an adjective (legal):

    Suggesting guilt, but not proving it conclusively.


    "It is unlikely he will be convicted; the evidence against him is circumstantial at best."

  1. Circumstantial as a noun (chiefly, in the plural):

    Something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance.


    "the circumstantials of religion"

  1. Essential as an adjective:


  2. Essential as an adjective:

    Very important; of high importance.

  3. Essential as an adjective (biology):

    for survival but not by the organism, thus needing to be ingested

  4. Essential as an adjective:

    Being in the basic form; showing its essence.


    "Don’t mind him being grumpy. That’s the essential Fred."

  5. Essential as an adjective:

    Really existing; existent.

  6. Essential as an adjective (of a [[lamination]] of a 3-[[manifold]]):

    Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold.


    "rfex difference between 1 and 2"

  7. Essential as an adjective (medicine):


  1. Essential as a noun:

    A necessary ingredient.

  2. Essential as a noun:

    A fundamental ingredient.