The difference between Accidental and Essential

When used as nouns, accidental means a property which is not essential, whereas essential means a necessary ingredient.

When used as adjectives, accidental means not essential, whereas essential means necessary.

check bellow for the other definitions of Accidental and Essential

  1. Accidental as an adjective:

    Not essential; incidental, secondary.

  2. Accidental as an adjective (philosophy):

    Nonessential to something's inherent nature (especially in Aristotelian thought).

  3. Accidental as an adjective (music):

    Adjusted by one or two semitones, in temporary departure from the key signature.

  4. Accidental as an adjective:

    Occurring sometimes, by chance; occasional.

  5. Accidental as an adjective:

    Happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not according to the usual course of things; by accident, unintentional.

  6. Accidental as an adjective (geometry):

    Being a double point with two distinct tangent planes in 4-dimensional projective space.

  1. Accidental as a noun:

    A property which is not essential; a nonessential; anything happening accidentally.

  2. Accidental as a noun (painting, pluralonly):

    Those fortuitous effects produced by luminous rays falling on certain objects so that some parts stand forth in abnormal brightness and other parts are cast into a deep shadow.

  3. Accidental as a noun (music):

    A sharp, flat, or natural, occurring not at the commencement of a piece of music as the signature, but before a particular note.

  1. Essential as an adjective:


  2. Essential as an adjective:

    Very important; of high importance.

  3. Essential as an adjective (biology):

    for survival but not by the organism, thus needing to be ingested

  4. Essential as an adjective:

    Being in the basic form; showing its essence.


    "Don’t mind him being grumpy. That’s the essential Fred."

  5. Essential as an adjective:

    Really existing; existent.

  6. Essential as an adjective (of a [[lamination]] of a 3-[[manifold]]):

    Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold.


    "rfex difference between 1 and 2"

  7. Essential as an adjective (medicine):


  1. Essential as a noun:

    A necessary ingredient.

  2. Essential as a noun:

    A fundamental ingredient.