The difference between Catholic and Eclectic

When used as adjectives, catholic means universal, whereas eclectic means selecting a mixture of what appears to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles.

Eclectic is also noun with the meaning: someone who selects according to the eclectic method.

check bellow for the other definitions of Catholic and Eclectic

  1. Catholic as an adjective:

    Universal; all-encompassing.

  2. Catholic as an adjective:

    Pertaining to all kinds of people and their range of tastes, proclivities etc.; liberal.

  3. Catholic as an adjective:

  1. Eclectic as an adjective:

    Selecting a mixture of what appears to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles.

  2. Eclectic as an adjective:

    Unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous.

  1. Eclectic as a noun:

    Someone who selects according to the eclectic method.